About US


security surveillance

About CCTV

CCTV Security Surveillance is a South African company, servicing the markets nationally. The company specialises in electronic security systems including, but not limited to, CCTV, access control, electric fencing, PA systems and alarm systems, not only in security but also in production, productivity and health and safety.

Technicians are installing wireless CCTV cameras.

CCTV services the commercial and industrial market. Each client is seen as an individual, with specific requirements, and as such, each system is developed around the client’s needs.

CCTV cameras installed on the road for traffic reports and speed

CCTV originated in Johannesburg and expanded the CCTV footprint to Kwa Zulu Natal, Western Province and Eastern Cape divisions. The company is under the guidance of the Managing Director Konrad Rohrbeck, who has served with the company for over 30 years. Konrad is assisted by a strong executive board including four other directors.

security camera.

Our core Values

What we stand for


CCTV prides themselves in that the majority of employees have long terms of service with the company. CCTV encourages long term staff members to play an active role in the running of the business, and are proud to have some of these employees on the executive board. CCTV analyse their company requirements in conjunction with employee's capabilities and talents, so that the company is able to steer their employees in a direction in which they would be most suitable and be able to grow within their field utilizing their natural strengths. By implementing this method, both employee and company understand each other’s requirements and expectations.


CCTV is committed to the Consumer Protection Act, which protects our clients. We also have a strong code of ethics for our employees. We have retained the services of a professional company, to ensure that all our policies and procedures are fair to all, and thereby not encumbering on any individual within the company, whether, it pertains to contracts, labour or terms and conditions of sale. These are audited on a regular basis to accommodate any changes that may occur. By enforcing good ethics, sound business practice is the natural progression.

Social Responsibility

Where ever possible CCTV makes an effort to support their local community, in numerous charity drives. CCTV’s commitment to their social responsibility remains strong and continues to strive to make a difference wherever possible in the communities in which we live and work.


CCTV’s Equities Plan is up to date and ensures the growth of the company in the right areas. This is strictly monitored for any variances, so that it can be adjusted, improved and updated whenever required.

Skills Development

In the spirit of job creation, CCTV is committed to taking on new staff members and training them to the expected levels, thereby empowering their employees to improve themselves, their confidence, and be able to provide for their families. We encourage all our employees to participate in the training courses available on a regular basis and thereby also keeping the knowledge base expanding. Training is a very important part of the business. Technicians are trained and put on refresher courses bi monthly. This keeps them current with all new products and reinforces procedures to stay in line with CCTV policies, procedures and ethics.


CCTV Security Surveillance Gauteng (Pty) Ltd has been verified and holds a Level 2 scorecard. Through a SANAS accredited agency. As well as being a value-adding supplier

In a true sense of empowerment CCTV Security Surveillance Gauteng (Pty) Ltd. is committed to improving its rating on an ongoing basis. As per our Equities and Skills Plans submitted to the DTI, we strive to improve in the areas of skills development, ownership and management. This affords all our previously disadvantaged employees to uplift themselves and gain experience which will forever stand them in good stead.

Skills development is ongoing within the company. Training programs are in place to ensure that our technicians are kept up to date with the latest technology. Courses are offered on a regular basis and all employees are encouraged to attend. Where necessary we obtain external training for our staff. We are proud of our trainees who qualified in access control with an average of 85% overall. Our technicians in Fire Training all achieved over 95%. 

Management programs are in place to improve the performance of all decision-makers within the company. Internal, performance improvement programs are in place in all departments to achieve optimum efficiency. The internal programs are all overseen by senior management.

When looking at direct ownership, the policy of CCTV Security Surveillance Gauteng (Pty) Ltd is that, since the responsibility of having ownership in a company does not end at merely owning shares in the business, there are responsibilities coupled with the privilege of owning shares.

We also expect our shareholders to take an active role in the business and to understand the running of a business, where necessary we pass these skills on to employees with an interest in share ownership. We have always made sure that all shareholders are aware of and understand these responsibilities prior to taking the acquisition of shares.

This, in turn, does take time, however, this method has proved to work as a strong foundation for the company which in turn leads to the sustainability of the business. CCTV has a reputation for retaining long term staff complement, and feel that our healthy relationship with our staff and our current 5-year plan will be achieved.

The demographics of our company reflect the encouragement that we are affording staff in that we currently have 17 previously disadvantaged individuals, in junior management or supervisory positions. This would be a percentage of 52.8% of the total of that demographic. Our total employment equity status as per our last verification report stands at 54.9%. Our target for the next period is 60%.

Procurement values would also reflect an improvement in the coming verification period, this mainly being due to the fact that most suppliers now have obtained their verified scorecards. Due to the nature of our business, we are limited as to where to obtain our products as we need to maintain a standard to which our clients are accustomed.

Therefore, taking the above into consideration and the current verification reports, it is obvious that the rating of the company will continuously improve.
This being dependant on resources and the financial state of the country during that course of time, and by such would determine to what extent that improvement would be.


At CCTV Security Surveillance we place a strong emphasis on Safety, Health, the Environment and Quality (SHEQ). Over the years we have developed our SHEQ practices to keep in line with the Occupational Health and Safety Act, 85 of 1993 and all applicable South African Legislation or regulations.

In order to meet our clients’ requirements regarding camera or infrastructure positioning, particularly at heights in excess of 1.8 meters, all of our technicians have been trained and declared fully competent in the use of equipment designed to prevent or limit a fall from height or to operate mobile equipment designed to not only provide a stable elevated position from which to conduct work but to do so with minimal risk of falling.

Part of our efforts to reduce health-related incidents or accidents, particularly at height, is the conducting of regular medical screening, ensuring that our technicians are declared medically fit for work. We are proud to state that we have a 100% fitness rate amongst our Staff which contributes to our ability as a team to deliver a quality service free of incidents or accidents relating to poor health.

Other physical aspects that may affect a technician’s health or safety, or that of other persons, whilst working on a site also need to be managed in order to prevent injury.

For this purpose, each technician is equipped with personal protective equipment designed to minimize the impact that their operations or those taking place on a site may have on them. This includes, but is not limited to:

Specialized eye, head, hand, foot and ear protection and safe work procedures or policies designed to minimize the effect of potential danger during operations.
As a provider of installation and maintenance services for our clients’ equipment the potential also exists for our operations to affect the environment. This may be due to material handling, drilling or other mechanized activities which may result in excess debris. 

All of our teams are equipped to deal with any waste generated by their activities in a safe and efficient manner which leaves the work site clean and the environment free of any negative impact. This dedication to the environment and waste management is backed up by a support team at each office that ensures that excess materials, waste or debris is sorted and removed to facilities specializing in appropriate methods of waste management. These are just some of the ways in which CCTV Security Surveillance is able to deliver a service which leaves our clients feeling more secure and their sites, staff and surrounding environment positively affected by our activities.


Tel: (031) 563-4214

Email: cctv@cctvkzn.co.za

Western Cape

Tel: (021) 552 9303

Email: cctv@cctvwc.co.za

Eastern Cape

Tel: (066) 122 4979

Email: cctv@cctvec.co.za