Video Analytics
What Are Video Analytics
Video Analytics are an advanced set of predetermined computer algorithms for real-time video analysis. This allows for accurate data mining, allowing for the camera system to be proactive in alerting threats/perpetrators in real-time to a designated control room, allowing for immediate and decisive action to take place.
Video analytics can also be used in retail using heat maps to see traffic flow/duration at any point in the shop. This can be useful in marketing, advertising and identification of popular items.
How Will Video Analytics Benefit Me?
By eliminating the reliance of the “human factor” which is a costly resource with limited alertness and attention. Video analytics can greatly assist in the filtering hundreds of cameras to only relevant rules based footage and allowing the operator to then concentrate on acting on the transgressed rule instead of looking for the rule being broken
What Are The best Cameras & Practices for Video Analytics?
Camera placement/type and the rule application are critical in bringing down the number of false alarms.
Example: Thermal cameras are generally used on a perimeter due to the camera working on a completely different light spectrum (Heat/IR/Thermal) to normal cameras and the human eye. This allows for the camera to work regardless of weather or lighting conditions. The disadvantage of thermal is not being unable to identify a person.
Camera selection is key in making sure that the system will be fit for its purpose. CCTV Security Surveillance would assist in making sure that camera selection, camera type and rule application are properly implemented to give a robust and dependable solution.
Video Analytics for Real-Time Detections & Alerts

Virtual perimeters

Penetration of unauthorized people / vehicles into restricted areas

Tailgating of people / vehicles through secure checkpoints

Traffic obstacles

Unattended objects

Vehicles stopped in no-parking zones, highways or roads or warehouses

Removal of assets


Retail Virtual traffic flow

Thermal Camera Video Analytics

License Plate Recognition